In Summer 2023, PATCHWERK returned to the Caribbean for our annual youth craft and story program. We welcomed back youth artists from the rural settlements near Buff Bay, Portland, Jamaica and our inaugural community in Tacarigua and Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago. Livin' Off Di Land acknowledged the national dishes of both island nations and encouraged artists to retell the bonds between land, people and food. Participating youth explored the historical trade routes that influenced each dish. They created mixed media tapestries to showcase and celebrate the ways modern Caribbean society experiences and remembers honoree recipes. Student artists also designed pillowcases to portray self-representative patterns and reaffirm the value of living off what the land provides.
As a final project, youth artists presented their mixed media art pieces and pillows at an art ceremony for community judges to help select winners. They also completed a mock art auction to develop art dealing and money managing skills. Winners from Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica were awarded with cash prizes and everyone received certificates, cash prizes and art supplies for future art projects. The funds raised from the "Bloom" collection provided to the art materials for all little ones. Check out the project gallery below!